Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hyannis Half-Marathon

Just quoting directly from the running log today:
Don't ever go to a party (even a baby-shower) the day before a race again! Yes, technically you ate a lot of carbs, but they had more fat and dairy and less soluble fibre than your system is accustomed to! Not good. And hydrate the day before. 3 cups coffee and 2 cups tea is not a good start.

But... once I ran through the digestive woes in the first 5 miles, and accepted the fact that water/gatorade stops were not going to be every 2 miles (or even at regular intervals), I had a good race!

First, the Type A response: even with all of the above *and* a cold *and* a headwind, I was still only 1:19 behind my PR.

Second and more important: I planned my work and worked my plan. (Thanks, Horatio Alger.) 3 miles of warm up; assess; easy increasing pace to "comfortably up-tempo" until mi. 10; reassess; run as fast as feels reasonable for the remaining 3 miles. It worked, I had enough in the tank, and I was able to drive us home safely in the pitching rain (after consuming hot chocolate, a donut and 1/2 a bagel w/ peanut butter at the expo, followed by more choc, coffee, and a pancake & egg breakfast at The Egg & I).
Final chip time: 2:05:39.

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